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The Good, the Bad, and “Unhinged” starring Russell Crowe

Exquisite Corpses

The Wild Bourgeois

The Year of Movie-cal Thinking

Herding Cats

Why So Unserious?

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Posted in Columns, Miscellaneous, Ryan
Toddler Thoughts
My eldest daughter is almost two and a half years old. She's in fine toddler form:
She likes Easter-egg hunts. She enjoys hiding colored plastic eggs in our backyard, and has even gotten pretty good at finding the ones she herself has hidden - she can usually get 5 out of 7 without help.
She always negotiates on time. We'll offer her Read more [...]
Some Thoughts in the Time of a Pandemic
Not long after the start of the new year I had, at the time, what seemed like a really good idea. I wanted to tell this story about the last year of my life from St. Patrick’s Day 2019 to St. Patrick’s Day 2020. It was a year peppered with some pretty big changes, milestones and life events. I planned to start putting it all down into words Read more [...]
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Posted in Columns, Ezra, Miscellaneous, Philosophy
Pong Wins Above Replacement, Part 3