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Category Archives: Josh
Broken Rules
An old saying is that “Rules are meant to be broken,” but that’s really not the case. Whatever the particular motivation behind any given rule may be, though, the rationale is never that the rule gets broken. Despite that fact, rules are frequently broken, and today, for a certain class of third graders, one particular rule was about to be just that. Broken. Read more [...]
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Posted in Creative Writing, Josh, Miscellaneous
Tagged chocolate milk, commons, elementary school, fight, fisticuffs, hot fries, lunch ladies, ogres, pokemon, recess, rules, swing, third grade, tire, tragedy
The Ringer
I hate alarm clocks. Waking up to them is absolutely infuriating, and not only because it's a horribly jarring way to part with sleep - though that has something to do with it, for sure.
I always use my phone as my alarm clock, and every time I get a new phone I change the ring I use as my alarm, and I'm pretty sure I've grown to despise every Read more [...]
Eminem: A Theory of Value
My friend Jake Johnson, an alumnus of both Lafayette College and my Niskayuna High School Varsity soccer team, asked me a provocative question a while back: “run rabbit run might be eminem's best song, yay or nay?”
Now, anyone who has known me for over 39.5 minutes is painfully aware that: (1) I’m of the opinion that Eminem is the second Read more [...]
Country Roads, Take Me Home
This post is a reprint of something I wrote for a different blog, so sorry if you've already read it, but honestly if you have, you probably want to read it again. As before, the story is based loosely on actual or rumored experiences and the lyrics to the DKE Rho anthem "Country Roads" by John Denver. To make it easier for everyone, regular print Read more [...]
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Posted in Columns, Creative Writing, Josh
Tagged college, country roads, dke, john denver, lafayette
Slow Train Comin’
“Look like you and me both tryin to make sense of this game.” Russell Bell Read more [...]